All kinds of sugar you consume are eventually going to be broken down in to molecules of glucose. Glucose is essentially a broken-down version of sugar with the potential of fueling your cells. However, the amount of sugar your cells can absorb and use at a time is limited. Additional glucose links up with the fats and proteins in formation of cross links. This link is initially rather weak but after a period of time, the link between a protein and sugar becomes quite permanent. This is known as Advanced Glycation (AGE).
You can think of excessive consumption of sugar a modern day issue similar to type-2 diabetes. AGEs have a harmful impact on the development of your fetus. Diabetic mothers are about three to four times more likely to have malformed babies compared to women without an illness of such. Consuming a diet with normal to low sugar can help in protecting the expecting mother’s health along with a significant reduction in the modern day baby issues. In case of high sugar in your blood your baby is at the risk of:
- Immune function being interfered with
- Stiffening of the walls of blood vessels which directly affect the blood flow
- Disfiguring of red blood cells
- Alteration of gene expression
- Diabetic mothers are more likely to offer issues such as cleft palate and even neural tube defects to the unborn child.
In order for you to protect yourself and your future child, you need to understand the extent of sugar you are allowed to intake. If you think you have a healthy diet despite of high levels of processed foods along with diets with additional grains then you’re probably mistaken. Grains are eventually going to be deposited in the form of glucose as well. A good indicator of high sugar in your blood stream is when you instantly feel sleepy after consuming your meals. You can take the following measures in this case:
- Try to eat less at one time and increase the frequency of eating
- Reduce the overall amount of carbohydrate or sugar you consume in a day
- Consult your physician right away to determine your daily sugar levels to protect the health of your baby