How drinking alcohol affects your sex life?
There are both good and bad aspects of alcohol, however it all depends how much you consume and how much you can handle your drink.
There are some positives to having a drink, for example:
– It can relax you;
– Small amounts of alcohol can help to reduce shyness, and make it easier for you to feel comfortable and meet new people;
– It can help a lot of people to relax and chat easily with each other, so that can be good in social situations when you are with people that you aren’t familiar with;
– It can help you to feel more confident and less ‘uptight’ about sex, so this may be good for you if you find it hard to relax when with your partner.
– It may help you to feel more romantic and more confident sexually, so this can be a positive when having sex with your partner.
However, there are also many negative aspects of alcohol and sex. Alcohol changes the way that you act, as well as changing your ability to make good decisions. The more you drink, the less careful and sensible you are which can have serious consequences when it comes to sex and your personal safety.
The dangers of alcohol & sex
– Alcohol makes you far more likely to have insensible sex, possibly with the wrong person. It affects your ability to make careful decisions, and you may end up doing things that you wouldn’t normally do when you’re sober.
– Alcohol can affect your judgement when it comes to sex, so you may end up having sex with someone who normally you wouldn’t want to. It’s particularly dangerous when having sex with a stranger, as you don’t know them and this can put you into a dangerous situation if you’re not careful and you don’t tell anybody where you are.
– When drunk or under the influence of alcohol, you are also less likely to use contraceptive methods – such as a condom – because you often make rash or spontaneous decisions. This increases your risk of getting pregnant and catching sexually transmitted infections (STIs) which can be very dangerous to your health, particularly if you they go unnoticed. If you’re engaging in casual sex, you need to make sure that you’re always using protection, you’re always being safe and you regularly get a health check at your sexual health clinic. Using a condom doesn’t always prevent you from catching STIs, as there are many infections that can be passed by oral sex or skin-to-skin contact.
– When you’re drunk, you’re more easily influenced and more vulnerable to sexual assaults. Some men take advantage of women who are heavily under the influence of alcohol, and being drunk can affect your decision-making and also your ability to consent to sex. Remember that sex without your consent is classed as rape, and this is a very serious issue. If somebody has sex with you and you are unable to consent if you’re unconscious or you have passed out, this is a criminal offence and you need to go the police immediately.
Remember that it’s okay to say ‘no’ to sex even when you’re under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol often makes us feel pressured to do certain things, so the way to avoid making bad decisions is to limit your alcohol intake to prevent yourself from getting out of control.