Puberty is something that every girl experiences in her teenage years. It is the time when a girl grows into a young woman, which can be a very tough time for some people. There are so many emotional and physical changes that happen during puberty, so it’s important to understand what is going on with your body and what you can expect. Of course, everybody is different, but don’t ever feel like you’re alone as it’s extremely likely that your friends may be going through a similar phase.
Normally, puberty happens between the ages of 10-15, however every girl reaches puberty at a different age. We all grow and change at different rates, and there’s nothing that you can to make it happen sooner or later; it’s purely based on when your body is ready to make the transition. Your body will begin to change when it’s ready but it won’t happen overnight, since it’s a very gradual process.
Puberty can affect your body in different ways. You may:
– Begin to develop breasts
– Start your periods
– Develop hair in new places
– Experience emotional changes
– Begin sweating more
– Start getting spots
– Grow taller
Your breasts may grow quickly or slowly, however it’s only your body that can decide at which rate your breasts form. There’s nothing that you can do to speed up your breast development, so don’t listen to any myths that you may hear about foods you can eat or activities that you can do to speed up the process. You may begin to have your period, however don’t be alarmed if they’re not regular at first; this is very common, as your body needs to form its natural rhythm and deal with the changes that are going on in your body. Your periods may be light or heavy and may last between 3-9 days, but it may take a while for your body to become regular. Just remember that there is no such thing as ‘normal’, so if you’re not the same as others don’t panic!
During puberty, you’ll begin to grow taller and develop breasts and hips. There isn’t a normal size or a normal rate, it’s your body and genetics that decides the way your body will form. You may begin to notice hair growing under your arms and around your vagina, and many girls develop hair in other areas such as their upper lip and legs. You may also notice that your vagina is beginning to produce discharge (fluid), which is also completely normal and a part of becoming a woman. This is your vagina’s way of keeping clean and healthy, and normal discharge should be colourless, white and odourless. If it looks a green or yellow colour and smells quite strong, you should consult your doctor as you may have an infection such as thrush (this is very common and easily treated). Hormones can also cause you to get sweaty and develop spots, however as long as you maintain a good personal hygiene this can be easily managed.
The chemicals and hormones that your body is produces can also affect your mood. You may feel emotional very quickly and may experience mood swings that are easily interchangeable. However, your feelings will settle down eventually and you may find that each month you can pretty much predict how your emotions will play; for example, girls often experience feeling much more emotional around the time of their period, due to the hormone levels in your body.
If you’re feeling confused or have any questions, remind yourself that every woman goes through this process so there is always somebody that you can talk to about it. Don’t ever feel embarrassed or that you’re different, as everybody is an individual and this is a part of life and growing up.