A well-balanced diet is very much important during pregnancy. The baby requires healthy vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to grow well. Hence, it can be said that healthy diet is the key to healthy baby development.
Most of the foods are safe to eat during pregnancy; however, there are some foods you should avoid during pregnancy.
The following is a list of certain important foods, which you should always AVOID during pregnancy:
- Unwashed fruits and vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of a healthy diet during pregnancy. Wash and peel all the fruits and vegetables properly before eating. Avoid eating cabbage and lettuce during pregnancy. Do not take in raw salad also. It is better to cook the same in some oil.
- Seafood: You should avoid fishes having high levels of mercury, such as shark, king mackerel or tilefish. Do not take in seafood that is preserved or refrigerated for a long time, as these may be infected with bacteria. You should also avoid eating oysters during pregnancy because they can lead to infection.
- Eggs: Raw eggs or eggs not cooked properly should completely be avoided during pregnancy. Desserts, such as cakes have raw eggs in them. Such desserts should not be consumed as they increase the risk of Salmonella virus. Always eat cooked eggs or prefer using pasteurized eggs.
- Meat: Do not eat raw or undercooked meat. This may consist of bacteria or parasites, which may cause damage to the baby’s brain or even miscarriage. Make sure that the meat is washed and cooked properly. For this prefer preparing and eating meat at home, rather than in restaurants, especially during pregnancy.
- Unpasteurized dairy products: Every time you consume milk or milk products, make sure it is fresh and boiled. Unpasteurized dairy products can cause food poisoning. In case, it is difficult for you to consume pasteurized products, then prefer soymilk, almond milk, or rice milk.
- Unpasteurized soft cheese: Just like the dairy products you should avoid unpasteurized cheese, such as feta as they tend to have listeria bacteria, which may lead to premature delivery of the baby with defects. Instead of soft cheese, you can eat hard cheese during pregnancy.
- Juices: Juices are always considered to be good during pregnancy. However, unpasteurized juices may have E. coli bacteria, which can be harmful for the baby.
- Nuts: Nuts are healthy, but there are certain types of nuts which can cause allergy. A few of them are cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts. Therefore, before consuming any nuts consult your provider.
- Caffeine: Limit your caffeine intake to minimum 2 cups of coffee per day. An excessive intake may lead to still birth.
- Herbal tea and supplements: Some herbal teas can prove to be harmful during pregnancy. Therefore, always consult your provider and consume multivitamins as prescribed.
- Canned foods: These are a strict NO during pregnancy. They can affect the endocrine activity of the baby as these foods can be too old to consume. Instead of canned foods, eat fresh seasonal fruits after properly washing them.
- Vitamins: Too much of vitamins can lead to pre-mature delivery and chances are that the baby is born with defects. Always consult your provider and take the prescribed dosage.
- Alcohol: Alcohol is a NO during pregnancy as it can cause foetal alcohol syndrome and other defects in the baby.
Therefore, always follow a well-balanced diet protocol during pregnancy to prevent any sort of complications in the baby.