A Cesarean Delivery is unlike normal (vaginal) delivery with fast recovery period. It usually takes four to six weeks for a woman to recover after a C-section.
Some of the extra precautions that need to taken after a caesarean delivery are:
1. Take Medications for Pain and Discomfort
After the anaesthesia wears off, you will feel pain and discomfort. On first doses, the pain medications will be given intravenously and then after a few days, they will be given orally. Take these medications piously.
2. Get Plenty of Rest and Sleep
Having ample amount of rest and sleep will get your strength back after the Caesarean Delivery. A tip is to fall asleep when your baby falls asleep too. Sleep with your baby especially in the first few weeks of recovery.
3. Ambulate Early
Early ambulation is important after a C-Section. Air may be trapped inside the stomach that causes pain. To relieve the pain and discomfort, mothers should start walking 24 hours after surgery. Sitting, standing and walking should be done in the next 24 hours as well. Fast recovery will be achieved after doing moderate physical activity.
4. Monitor Your Bleeding
Lochia bleeding is important to monitor in the first few weeks after the delivery. The lochia colour, consistency and amount should change over time.
5. Take Fibre-Rich Foods and Know What to Avoid
Fibre-rich foods are important in women recovering from Caesarean Delivery because they relieve constipation and gas formation. Fruits and vegetables are good source of fibre.
6. Learn How to Care for Your Wound
Wash your hands whenever you inspect your wound or change wound dressing. This is the best way to prevent infection. Watch out for signs of infections such as an oozing green discharge or red skin around the wound area. Call your doctor immediately.
7. Avoid Strenuous Activities
All physical activities should be limited in the first few weeks following a C-Section. Even after the sixth week or being fully recovered from the delivery, mothers are advised to refrain from overexertion.
8. Be Warned of Emotional Imbalance
Women are normally emotional after delivery because of hormonal changes. You must watch out if you become overly depressed and hopeless. This may be sign of emotional imbalance and may lead to postpartum depression.
9. Educate Yourself with Right Breastfeeding Techniques
There are different types of baby holding techniques for breastfeeding purpose. It is important to familiarize them and try it on your baby later on. The best advice is to be able to find which ones suit you and your baby the most.
10. Know When To Ring The Emergency Numbers
Secure your Obstetrician and Paediatrician’s numbers in case of emergency. Store them on your phone’s memory. Scribble them down on your notes or pin them on your fridge. You must call for help if you experience fever, flu, skin discoloration and difficulty breathing. Give your OB a ring if you notice green oozing discharges and red flashes on your wound area, smelly vagina, pain when urinating, abdominal pains, severe headache and chest pain.