People commonly refer to it as boob job as well. This article deals with only cosmetic surgeries done to increase the breast size.

1) Identify your reasons and expectations from the procedure clearly before getting under the knife. Research suggests that majority of women who have had some kind of cosmetic boob job done have been struggling with depression or some personality disorder. Please ensure that the decision to get the surgery done is not taken under distress.


2) There are many types of breast implants available but saline and silicon ones are most commonly used. The saline implant is filled with sterile salt water solution and usually involves smaller, more cosmetic surgical incisions on the breast. But in the long run, the saline implant may cause cosmetic problems such as rippling, wrinkling, and being noticeable to the eye and to the touch, especially in women who had very little breast tissue to begin with. These implants may thus be preferred in women who already have a fair amount of breast tissue in them. Silicon implants are more advanced and technically superior with lesser long term side effects and are better for women who have very small breasts.

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3) The cosmetic outcome to some extent also depends on the incision used. The commonly used Incision types are:
a) Below the bust line (inframammary): may result in slightly more visible and thicker scars.
b) Periareolar- at the border between the dark areolar area and the breast skin.It results in very small, hardly noticeable, aesthetic scars.
c) Through the armpit: will not produce any visible scars in the breast tissue as such.
d) Through the belly- button (Transumbilical): Less commonly used.
e) Through the abdominal wall (Transabdominal): Used if you also undergo a procedure called abdominoplasty for lax abdomen at the same time.


4) Usually one is able to resume her normal life one week after the surgery but exertion and vigorous exercises should be avoided for another 6-8 weeks. Post operative scars may take 3-4 months to fade. You are required to do gentle arm exercises and take pain killers to speed up recovery.


5) Even though the surgery may be for cosmetic reasons, it may have its own set of problems associated with it. Apart from the anesthesia related reactions, one can have bleeding, infection and breakdown of incision line leading to ugly scars later on (happens in 5-7% women). Complications specific to breast augmentation include breast pain, altered sensation, impeded breast-feeding function, visible wrinkling, asymmetry, thinning of the breast tissue, and asymmetrical breasts. Such women may require periodic MRI monitoring and physical examinations. A poor quality implant may rupture inside the breast requiring asymmetrical breasts and a re-operation. Always discuss these issues with your plastic surgeon before going under the knife.