What to do to Relieve Back Aches (पीठ दर्द) during Pregnancy?

Back pain is a common symptom seen during pregnancy. The pain mostly occurs in the lumbar region, the lower region of the spine (रीढ़ की हड्डी के निचले क्षेत्र). About half of the women who are pregnant may suffer from back pain during pregnancy.


Your provider may suggest you various methods and techniques to relieve your back pain. The treatment mainly includes medicines and physiotherapy.


Relieving Back Pain


Many techniques used to manage back pain are accepted across the world. Treating the cause of pain is considered to be the best method. There are classes that focus on the basic anatomy (शरीर रचना), biomechanics (मानव संरचना का अध्ययन), correct posture (सही आसन) and relaxation methods (विश्राम की विधि). If they fail to give the desired results, then you may contact your provider and physical therapist (भौतिक चिकित्सक) for instructions on the same. Back pain cannot be prevented fully, but you can decrease the frequency and severity (तीव्रता) of the pain by:

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  1. Practicing good posture: As the trimester advances the centre of gravity shifts forward. This may cause forward falling. Women usually compromise this falling by leaning back (पीछेझुकना). This strains (खिंचाव) the back muscles. To correct this posture you should stand straight and tall, hold your chest high with shoulders relaxed. Avoid locking of your knees and widen your feet while standing. This prevents forward falling. Always choose a good comfortable chair with pillow while sitting.


  1. Heat and Cold: Using heat and cold is an effective way to relieve back pain. Start by placing a cold pack (pack of frozen peas) to the pain area for 15 to 20 minutes during the first few days. After 2 or 3 days apply hot packs for the same time. DO NOT apply heat to the abdomen.


  1. Exercises: Regular exercises not only strengthen the muscles but also boost healing of the strained muscles. The intensity (तीव्रता) of exercise depends upon your life style before and during pregnancy. Walking, Swimming, and Static Cycling are considered to be the best exercises to relieve back pain during pregnancy.


  1. Lifting (गर्भावस्थाकेदौरानवजनउठाना): A proper lifting technique is very important to take care of. Always take care to bend your knees, keeping your back straight to pick up things. Always talk to your provider before lifting any heavy object.


  1. Counselling (परामर्श): Stress related back pain can always be relieved by talking to a counsellor (सलाहकार).


  1. Acupuncture: Acupuncture not only relieves pain during pregnancy but also helps in curing nausea.  It is the safest method of managing back pain during the first two trimesters. Take care about certain points, which may induce labour. Researchers have also shown that acupuncture works far much better than heat, massage or any other form of exercise.


Ideally, you should always talk to your provider before you start any of the treatments.


When to call your Health Care Provider


Back pain usually relieves by itself in the first few days if the above treatment methods are followed with care. Contact your provider in case you suffer from:

  • Osteoporosis
  • Obesity
  • Pain that gets worse in spite of the treatment
  • Cramps
  • Numbness or tingling in the upper or lower limbs

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