How to prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are a common feature seen in almost all the pregnant women, especially during the second and third trimester. Stretch marks can be defined as irregular pink-to-purple rough lines or stripes that develop vertical to the skin tension lines.

The lines develop due to stretching of the skin. Weight gain along with the hormonal changes during pregnancy can be the main cause of stretch marks. They may also occur due to abnormal collagen formation.

These lines are common on the breasts, belly, hips, thighs, and groin. These lines may lighten in colour after pregnancy. Stria is the medical name for stretch marks.

Treating stretch marks is not a medical need; however, women may try treatment for cosmetic reasons.

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Prevention of stretch marks

There are ways in which you can improve your appearance and get rid of the stretch marks after pregnancy. However, care should be taken to prevent the formation of stretch marks during pregnancy. Preventive measures may include:

1. Using Topical preparations: Ointments and crèmes are one of the best ways to prevent formation of stretch marks, as they increase the elasticity of skin. Verum, olive oil, cocoa butter, shea butter, and vitamin E are the commonly used topical agents. Your provider may prescribe you retinoid crème to get rid of striae.

2. Staying hydrated: During pregnancy your body demands an increased supply of water. Drinking around 8 to 12 glasses of water not only prevents dehydration but also inhibits formation of stretch marks.

3. Using Oil: Similar to topical crèmes, oils can also be used to prevent stretch marks. Olive oil, almond oil, vitamin E, castor and other essential oils have anti-oxidant effects. This prevents formation of stretch marks.

4. Using Zinc: Zinc also has anti-oxidant effects. It also promotes formation of new collagen. This collagen formation promotes reduction of stretch marks.

5. Eating a Healthy diet: Diet is the most important factor, not only to prevent stretch marks but also for a stress free healthy pregnancy. Foods rich in vitamin A, C, and E promote collagen formation, thereby preventing stretch marks formation.

6. Getting Massage: Massaging the skin everyday with bitter almond oil increases the blood flow, thereby promoting the formation of new collagen.

When to contact your health care provider

As time progresses, the stretch marks start fading without any treatment. Contact your provider if you:
• Have developed stretch marks for the first time.
• Have stretch marks due to side effects of certain medicine.
• Have other symptoms along with stretch marks, such as rashes.