Remember the old saying that” Prevention is better than Cure”. Women are often bombarded with information that includes many tests but there are a few which should never be ignored.

1) Breast cancer screening: This should start when a woman is in her 20’s and 30’s by Breast self examination done once in three months after periods. If you feel any lump, follow it up with your gynaecologist. A mammography is recommended after 40 every year till 50 and every alternate year after that till 75 years of age. A person may require more frequent testing if she at high risk due to her personal or family history.


2) Cervical cancer screening : Cervix is the entry to the uterus where a baby grows. Cervical cancer is still the no. one cancer in sexually active women in India. It is important to have regular screening by doing PAP smear tests after starting sexual activity and then if normal, once every 3 years till 65 years of age. The main reason this cancer occurs is due to HPV infection and after the age of 30 years every woman should have a HPV- DNA test done once in her lifetime to assess her risk of getting this cancer.


3) Osteoporosis screening : Osteoporosis means weak and porous bones that are more likely to get fractured with smallest of falls and injuries. Bones start to lose their density after menopause in women. There are many high risk factors due to which the bones can start to weaken early but if none exist then at least a base line DEXA scan which is an X-ray based test should be done at 65 years of age.


4) High Blood pressure and cholesterol screening : High blood pressure is known to be a silent killer and it is important to get your blood pressure once a year after 30. But if you are overweight or have other high risk factors in your history, you can get it checked early to suit your lifestyle. Any blood pressure reading of more than 140 by 90 on two occasions means that you need to start treatment. High cholesterol is responsible for clogging our arteries and may lead to heart damage. Lipid profile should be done once in 5 years after the age of 25 years if normal.

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5) Blood sugar: If you are normal then a sugar testing should be done once every 3 years after 40 years. If there are risk factors like overweight, sedentary lifestyle or family history, one has to suit your individual needs. A fasting value of more than 125 or HbA1c value of more than 6.5% suggests diabetes.